smash your 2022 goals

smash your 2022 goals

The last three years brought a significant change in the way things have always been. Life as we know it has changed. However, one thing that still remains is that we all have goals we would like to smash, no matter how little – even if that means just getting through the year without a hitch! Setting goals provides clarity and helps us to align our focus to the things that really matter. Here are 5 tips to help you smash your goals for 2022:

  • Make sure your goals are SMART: For every goal that you set, it is important that they are SMART. That is;
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Relevant
    • Time bound

These will ensure that you are extremely clear on what you want to achieve and when. So, for example, it is better to say By August 2022, I want to have lost 10kg because this would reduce my risk of diabetes as I am currently prediabetic.

smash your 2022 goals

  • Remember your WHY: To help you stay motivated towards achieving your goals, you should always remember why you are taking those actions. Why do you have to study for the test? Because you have a goal of getting a certification at the end of the August 2022. Why do you have to go to the gym today? To ensure you are on track to lose 5kg by the June 2022. When you constantly remind yourself why you are taking actions, you are more than likely to stay motivated.


  • Stay accountable: It can get a bit difficult staying on track as the months go by as challenges are encountered. It is important to hold yourself accountable. You can choose to have accountability partner or use a progress tracker. You can also use a reward system where you reward yourself for achieve steps for your goal.


  • Look back in retrospect: Identify what prevented you from achieving your goals in 2021..20 and other years. This will enable you to put measures in place so they do not prevent you from not achieving your goals in the new year.


  • Break down your goals into smaller actionable tasks: The actions we take everyday contribute to the achievement of our overall goals. After setting your goals, break them down to smaller, actionable tasks that will contribute to achieving the overall goal.


Which of these did you find to be most helpful and which will you be implementing?



Scott Stockdale (2021). How to Create a Goal-Crushing Roadmap in 2022.

Coaching Online (2021). 100+ Goals For 2022 And How to Set Them in a SMART Way. Available at:

Trivette Hannah (2021). How To Set Effective New Year’s Goals For 2022. Available at:

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